Saturday, April 28, 2007

Does this fender make my ass look fat?



I took about 5 inches off the fender today and an inch off the sissybar mounts. This brought the lower edge of the fender to about 1.5" from the lip of the tire. Makes it look a bit cleaner all in all.


The part that mounts to the frame is going to move downwards about 2 or 3 inches. And I am also going to use a 1 1/4" piece of angle iron for the mount there. That way I have a wider section to mount the fender to get less flex. It is still a bit further away from the fender than I want. But better than the 2.5" it was.

I still have to clean up the parts of the sissybar I cut down. Get the steel a bit thinner so it won't eat up the cush drive and also just to make it a bit more presentable. I will wait to finalize the mount for my fender until I get the angle iron on the frame. So I will do the mounts and the fills just right.


See that twisted square stock just looks killer. I also dug out an old side mount for the plate. I will get a cheapo taillight to mount to it from some chain store. I think Wal-Mart carries that stuff. It looks like that money and all my plans will be going to pot. So what parts I can recycle or at least cope with are going to stay. And only in the worst cases will I bother with a replacement. Really it is either that, or wait. And like I have already said. I need to ride, dammit.


I went and took the paint off the fender. I thought I had cut off the worst of the damage. Apparently not.

That's right under the paint and putty were a few more holes.

It looks like I will have a fender to weld up to.

But a plus is that I cleaned up the end cut on the fender so it looks a lot better.


And while I was grinding I figured that I would get the sissybar straightened out also. So I cleaned up the mounts and took a bit of the extra material out where the bolts mount. Now I have some actual clearance between the cush drive and the bolts.


This means I can move the tire further in without making contact with anything.

I also began the primering on my girder but I ran out of rattle can. I will get some tomorrow and post some after pics then.

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